
Cat Lady Friday

Happy Friday everyone! This week moved slow as molasses. Did anyone else feel that way too? Hate when the days drag like that. So as I am writing this post, it pumps me up because hey it's FRIDAY!! Woop woop! *insert happy dance here* So here is the weekly Cat Lady Friday post bringing you all things cat related that I have come across this week. :)

A friend of mine showed me these amazing cat shoes from Mod Cloth. And they have a cute little heel, so perfect! And oh my goodness...as I looked around Mod Cloth they have so much cute stuff. This paw door stop made me laugh. Does anyone else's cat creep on you? Especially when you are in the bathroom. haha. I mean, dogs and kids do it to....its like they know the exact wrong time to come and find mom or dad.

Also, this totally amazing plane white tee with a peek-a-boo cat exists, and I'm in love. Maybe it will go on sale soon, so I can snatch it up?

I can hardly type this post because my cat, Audrey, is currently laying all over my hands and laptop.....cats and their obsessions to lay on books or laptops or basically anything you are trying to concentrate on. lol First world cat problems right here:

And finally, something to make you laugh on this Friday: 22 Cats Winning at Life  via Buzzfeed.

Have a great weekend! Do you have anything fun/special planned? This weekend we have some friends visiting from out of town, and will be pretty busy. Hope you enjoy everyday. Love you all! *muah*

1 comment:

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