
O's Game

Last night we were able to take Sansa (our daughter) to her first Orioles baseball game thanks to the Casey Cares Foundation! She had so much fun, and so did we. I wasn't sure how she would do at the game, but she had a blast cheering and dancing to the music. Also, I think the hot dogs helped. :) I feel like I can't go to a baseball game without getting hot dogs, and Camden Yards is really cool because they let you take in food like hot dogs, and unopened bottles of soda and water into their stadium. I have seen people bring in huge boxes of pizza into the games before. haha. We always get our hot dogs and drinks right outside the stadium (people have tents lined up selling drinks, snacks, and yummy ball park food), so they are hot and fresh.

Today is this beauties Gotcha Day too! Which means that this is the day that Sansa became our daughter and lived with us in Hungary for 30ish days (it was a long process and she has to stay with us for 30 days before we could bring her back to the US). She has been our daughter for one year, and man has it been an amazing, crazy, and beautiful year. It feels a lot longer than one year, like she has been with us from the beginning. She is such a blessing and a joy, and I am just so happy to be her mom. I keep getting all emotional when I think about it. Our lives have changed drastically, for the better, and I can't imagine life without her. Since becoming a mom, I feel like I am such a sap and can cry at anything. haha. We are going to celebrate with getting cupcakes later today. Woo!

Love you all! Have a great day! *muah*

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