

Dress: Free People - thrifted from @shoplindseyscloset || Shoes: Forever 21 || Fedora: here || Necklace: Urban Outfitters

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We had lots of fun celebrating our six year anniversary. Makes me feel old when I say that. haha. We did Saturday brunch and got our nails done because we are not traditional like that. Yes, my hubby got a mani/pedi with me. :) That was the highlight of my weekend, and it was perfect. Also, I know the hat is kind of hiding it, but I got my hair fixed up on Friday. Woop woop! I was getting embarrassed of my over grown roots. haha. I have always been a blonde, and I wanted a little change so I am playing with the "lived in look."

I am testing out a new thing. I am trying to savor the simple things in life. Like brunch, coffee with friends, hugs from friends, smiles, holding hands, silent car rides, and loud ones when the kiddo is with us. It is in the simple and mundane things that life abounds. I get caught up in dreaming about these huge things (which is good don't get me wrong. Keep dreaming, dreamers), that I sometimes forget to focus on the great things that I have right in front of me. So that is what I am practicing this week. I don't want to look back five or ten years from now and say where did all the time go. I want to look back and remember all the great things that happened, and relish every bit of it. I want to be present. 

Happy Monday loves! Let's do this! 

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